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Dekrét Basagić


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization



I have the pleasure in inform you that, upon the recommendation made by the International Advisory Committee of the "Memory of World" Programme (Approved Programme and Budget for 1996-1997, para. 04217), at its meeting held Tashkent from 29 September to 1 October 1997, the Dirocter-General has decided to include in the "Memory of the World" Register:

the Basagić Collection of Islam Manuscripts,

held by the University Library, Bratislava.

The iclusion of this documentary heritage in the "Memory of the World" Register reflects its exceptional value, and calls for it be protected for the benefit of all humanity. It also offers excellent opportunity to draw attention to the importance of the collective memory and to the need safeguard it and to enable the greatest possible number to have access to it.

You may to celebrate the designation of the Basagić Collection of Islamic Manuscripts as part of the "Memory of the World" by affixing a plaque which could be unveiled at a special ceremony at the University Library, Bratislava.

Yours faithfully,

Henrikas Yushkiavitshus
Assistant Director-General for
Communication, Information and Informatics

Posledná aktualizácia: Aktualizované 03.07.2020 09:50  Tlačiť Hore

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