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How to order documents from the book storage department

  • books published after 1981 are being ordered electronically
  • books published till 1981 are being searched in the on-line catalog, in the card catalogs or scanned namespace general catalog of books
  • if the user did his search in the card catalog entry about a certain requested document he will fill out the needed "request form" in accordance with the overprint formular:
    • personal information
    • information about his wanted document
    • signature
  • if the user found the wanted document information in the scanned namespace general catalog of books he is obliged to fill the attached order form
  • if the user wants a book which was published before the year 1953 in a numbered edition, in addition to indicating the volume number and signature of the series


  • bound periodicals (newspaper, magazines, yearbooks) from the year 2008 are ordered to seek only electronically
  • bound periodicals (newspaper, magazines, yearbooks) issued before the year 2008 are being searched for in the on-line catalog, in the card catalog or in the scanned journals catalog
  • if the user wants newspapers or magazines he has to mention it in the request form: volume, year of publishing, month or other information. Some magazines are being published in specific professional series and arrays. For this reason there is the need to not forget mentioning that kind of information aswell. In the case the user found the desired document information in the scanned catalog of periodicals he fills the enclosed order form.
  • for each desired title one order form has to be made. Up to fifteen bound volumes for each user are maximal possible
  • documents with SK signature are conservation materials and are not available for any loans. Titles or volumes of periodicals from which has the library a copy on microfilm tape or any replacement copy (CD-ROM) the original printed bound form is not available for the user to loan.

Last update: Updated 18.08.2014 14:26  Print Page Up

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