Dnes je Piatok 26.04.2024, meniny má Jaroslava

Zoznam nových dokumentov za 3. štvrťrok 2018


Human rights and constitution making. New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

Innovative ways for financing transport infrastructure. New York, Geneva, United Nations 2017.

Innovation for sustainable development review. Belarus. New York, Geneva,  United Nations  2017.

Green jobs in the forest sector. New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

World investment report 2018. Investment and new industrial policies. New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

World investment report 2018. Investment and new industrial policies. Key messages and overview. New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

Innovation in the public sector. Country experiences and policy recommendations. New York, Geneva, United Nations  2017.

Principles for effective joint bodies for transboundary water cooperation under the Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses  and international lakes.

New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

The water convention: responding to global water . New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.



Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2011. Volume II. New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2013. Volume I. New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2013. Volume II. New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

Economic development in Africa. Report 2018. Migration for structural transformation. New York, Geneva,  United Nations 2018.    

UNCTAD Annual Report 2017. So much done, so much to do. New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

Commission on narcotic drugs. Report on the 61-st session. Official records, 2018, supplement No.8.  New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

Commission on crime prevention and criminal justice.  Report on the 27-th session. Official records, 2018, supplement No.10.  New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

International accounting and reporting issues. 2017 review. New York, Geneva, United Nations  2018.

Posledná aktualizácia: Aktualizované 01.10.2018 14:43  Tlačiť Hore

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