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NATO Library Guide

What is NATO Library Guide?

The NATO Multimedia Library in Brussels collects publicly available information sources and creates a library guide (Library Guide or LibGuide) from them for research purposes. Individual guides deal with selected topics that are of interest to the Alliance. It currently offers 37 topics such as arctic security, energy security, maritime security, missile defense, intelligent defense, science and technology in the fight against terrorism, EU-NATO relations and others. It is not an absolutely exhaustive collection of information sources, but it is a good starting point for your research.


 What resources are available?

The NATO Library Guide collects official documents, web articles, websites, reports, news materials, blogs and multimedia materials in English that are publicly available on the Internet. In addition, it offers articles from professional journals and books from the fund of the NATO Multimedia Library in Brussels. Guides are constantly updated to provide the latest information.


How do I access information resources?

Many of the collected resources are available to the public on the Internet. Articles from subscription based databases have been marked with "Available to NATO staff only" and require a subscription to EBSCOHost or other databases subscribed by the NATO Multimedia Library. If you are not a NATO staff member, please contact the NATO Library to find out how you can access these documents.

Last update: Updated 15.04.2024 15:16  Print Page Up

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