Today is Thursday 04.25.2024, name-day is Marek

Union Catalogues

SKP (Slovak Union Catalog of Periodicals) offers bibliographic and holdings information about Slovak and foreign periodicals held by more than 700 Slovak libraries. Entries of the SKP are created within the program of cooperative cataloging.
The catalog can be searched by title, title of series, ISSN, country code, publisher, issuing body, classification (UDC), subject headings (uncontrolled), any words, title words, type of documents.
If the searched entry is found, the presentation of results is accompanied by the holding records. Holdings are connected by basic information about institutions. More information can be found in database Slovak libraries directory.


Number of bg. records 82 600
Number of participating libraries 700
Frequency of update daily
Classification scheme UDC version 2011
Subject headings uncontrolled subject headings
Account free access








Last update: Updated 01.04.2022 13:31  Print Page Up

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