Today is Monday 04.29.2024, name-day is Lea

Our Mission

The University Library in Bratislava is a major cultural, information, scientific and educational institution. It is a universal state research library for the entire Slovak Republic allowing the general public free access to knowledge and information distributed through many types of media. The Library carries out coordination, statistical, educational and methodological work for libraries in Slovakia. The Library aims to foster literary, information, bibliographic, research and cultural activities through:

  • depository library of the Slovak Republic
  • depository library for the UN
  • depository library and information center for UNESCO
  • depository library for NATO
  • conservation and depositary library for dissertations approved in Slovakia
  • Slovak national retrospective bibliography
  • Administration of Slovak Union Catalogue of Periodicals
  • National Agency for the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
  • inter-library loans and the national head office for international inter-library loans
  • coordination of international library cooperation, restoration and conservation of documents, photoduplication, scanning and digitisation centre

The library's mission is to fulfill the following goals: 

  • build and provide access to the foreign and domestic library collections of documents and information sources from humanities and natural science; documents of universal as well as interdisciplinary character, handbooks and fiction
  • build a historic library collection of non-periodic and periodic publications, dissertations and audiovisual documents
  • provide access to collections of official documents of the Slovak Republic
  • provide complex library-information services
  • support the modernization and development of library and information services within the state information system of Slovak Republic

Last update: Updated 15.08.2014 10:16  Print Page Up

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