Today is Sunday 05.19.2024, name-day is Gertrúda

NATO Encyclopedias

A compilation of archived online thematic pages that explain every aspect of the organization: its origins, core security roles, policies, decision-making processes, peace support operations, crisis management, including how the Alliance addresses threats and develops its capabilities. NATO's partnerships and cooperative activities, its civilian and military structures, specialized organizations and agencies, as well as NATO's broader activities are also affected.


Documents issued in English


"NATO Encyclopedia 2019"

A collection of online pages that explain various aspects of the Alliance's functioning - its creation and basic security tasks, decision-making, peace support operations and crisis management. It also represents NATO partnerships and cooperation, civil and military structures, as well as specialized organizations and agencies.



"NATO Encyclopedia 2018"

A collection of online pages that explain various aspects of the Alliance's functioning - its creation and basic security tasks, decision-making, peace support operations and crisis management. It also represents NATO partnerships and cooperation, civil and military structures, as well as specialized organizations and agencies.



"NATO Encyclopedia 2017"

A collection of online pages that explain various aspects of the Alliance's functioning - its creation and basic security tasks, decision-making, peace support operations and crisis management. It also represents NATO partnerships and cooperation, civil and military structures, as well as specialized organizations and agencies.



"NATO Encyclopedia 2016"

A collection of online pages that explain various aspects of the Alliance's functioning - its creation and basic security tasks, decision-making, peace support operations and crisis management. It also represents NATO partnerships and cooperation, civil and military structures, as well as specialized organizations and agencies.



"NATO Encyclopedia 2015"

A collection of online pages that explain various aspects of the Alliance's functioning - its creation and basic security tasks, decision-making, peace support operations and crisis management. It also represents NATO partnerships and cooperation, civil and military structures, as well as specialized organizations and agencies.



"NATO A-Z Pages 2014"

A collection of online A-Z pages that explain various aspects of the Alliance's functioning - its creation and basic security tasks, decision-making, peace support operations and crisis management. It also represents NATO partnerships and cooperation, civil and military structures, as well as specialized organizations and agencies.



Last update: Updated 04.07.2023 12:34  Print Page Up

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