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Zoznam nových dokumentov za 4. štvrťrok 2019


International classification of non-tariff measures. 2019 version. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

Trade policies for combating inequality. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

Digital economy report. Value creation and capture: implications for developing countries. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

Digital economy report. Value creation and capture: implications for developing countries. Overview. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

Policy framework for sustainable real estate markets. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

Report of the Committee on the peaceful uses of outer space. 62-nd session (12-21 June 2019). Geneva, United Nations 2019.

Commodity dependence, climate change and the Paris agreement. Commodities and Development Report 2019. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

 Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. 52-nd session, (8-19 July 2019). New York, United Nations 2019.

Redesigning the Uranium resource pathway. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

Guidelines on producing leading, composite and sentiment indicators. Geneva, United Nations 2019.



Trade and Development Report 2019. Financing a global green new deal. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

Trade and Development Report 2019. Financing a global green new deal. Overview. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

Commission on crime prevention and criminal justice. Report on the twenty - eight session, official records 2019, supplement No.10

Review of maritime transport 2019. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

The least developed countries report 2019. Geneva, United Nations 2019.

The least developed countries report 2019. Overview.  Geneva, United Nations 2019.

Posledná aktualizácia: Aktualizované 19.12.2019 12:13  Tlačiť Hore

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