Today is Saturday 05.18.2024, name-day is Viola

Availability of e-journals

Access to full text journals via the EZB is accessible from computers in the UKB study rooms (PC study-room and electronic study-room). On computers outside the library the reader can also browse trough the EZB, but without access to licensed full text journals. The user can also browse individual "accounts" of other participating libraries by selecting feature Preferences / Einstellungen on the EZB web page.


Journals by availability

Voľné prístupné časopisy  free accessible journals - by clicking on the journal title you get to the selected magazine and the full texts of the journal 
Predplatené časopisy prístupné v rámci knižnice  prepaid (licensed) magazines available in the library - by clicking on the name of the magazine from computers within the library you will get linked to the full texts of the journal
Čiastočne dostupné plné texty  partially available full texts - by clicking on the magazine you get to the full texts, but with some limitations, for example years of publishing
Nedostupné časopisy  inaccessible journals - clicking on the name of the magazine will redirect you to the page of  the magazine or the publisher, with sometimes access to the content, abstracts and/or some selected articles (sample issues) or older published years within the magazine.


More information about titles

info  info - by clicking on the icon you get more detailed information about the titles, such as: publisher information, ISSN number, timing for the full text editions, the text formats.
readme  readme - by clicking on the text "readme" on titles with the yellow mark you get into the information area about EZB University library in Bratislava.

Last update: Updated 01.03.2012 11:08  Print Page Up

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